
Legal Industry Collaboration Data Quick Poll

8 June 2023

Workplace collaboration and communication solutions like Slack and Microsoft Teams have firmly established their place in the enterprise and can be requested during ediscovery just like email and other electronically stored information. That was the topic of discussion during a webinar earlier this yearwhere our panelists discussed info gov and ediscovery challenges along with best practices that can help enterprises reduce risk and manage collaborative data securely, efficiently, and defensibly. We also took a quick poll of the participants to gain insights into how people are using collaboration data and how it’s affecting in-house legal departments. 

Here’s a recap of what we learned along with an infographic of the results.

Collaboration Tools

Not surprisingly, Microsoft Teams leads the pack, but a significant percentage (28%) are using multiple collaboration tools.

Data Retention Policies

There is quite a bit of variance in the data retention arena, with most keeping data for 90 days (36%) a quarter of participants hanging onto their data forever, and a surprising 11% flirting with the ephemeral and deleting data after only 24 hours.

Preservation Methods

Around half of the respondents are using a combination of preservation strategies, including preserving in place, using built-in ediscovery tools, and third-party vendor solutions. And following best evidence practices, no one is relying on screenshots for preservation.