Legal Industry Collaboration Data Quick Poll

Workplace collaboration and communication solutions like Slack and Microsoft Teams have firmly established their place in the enterprise and can be requested during ediscovery just like email and other electronically ...

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Three Ediscovery Takeaways from Google Antitrust Litigation

In the well-publicized case In re Google Play Store Antitrust Litigation (N.D. Cal. March 28, 2023) California District Judge James Donato ruled for sanctions against Google for Google Chat spoliation. There are ...

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Operational Excellence Through Management of Corporate Legal Departments

The legal department of an organization is responsible for providing crucial legal support and advice to the company's various business operations. However, to operate efficiently, the legal department requires effective ...

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Ediscovery Best Practices for Slack and MS Teams from Information Governance Through Litigation

Workplace collaboration tools like Slack and MS Teams have become ubiquitous in many organizations. However, they also present unique challenges for data governance and ediscovery in the event of litigation. ...

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Enhance Your Legal Department’s Performance with Strategic Planning and Technology

In-House Legal Departments, like any other business function, must be efficient and effective to deliver the best possible results. They must balance their workload, comply with regulatory requirements, and provide ...

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Hanzo Collaboration Data Snapshot Survey Results from CLOC

Once again, the CLOC Global Institute (CGI) has come and gone. But while we were there, Hanzo took a quick snapshot survey of Legal Operations professionals to gain insights into how people ...

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Collaboration Data Challenges During Litigation (And How Technology Can Help)

Collaboration during litigation is critical to ensure that all relevant information is discovered and reviewed. However, the emergence of various communication platforms like Slack and Teams has made the process ...

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Legal Operations: Building High-Performing Legal Teams

In-House legal departments are under more pressure than ever to reduce costs, improve performance, and provide top-quality work. To achieve these objectives, leaders in legal operations can begin building higher-performing ...

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